Organised by our own wonderful team of volunteers, these awards shine the spotlight on some of the most wonderful third sector organisations and individuals our great city has to offer.
But not only are we celebrating the great work of the third sector, this event also provides us with the opportunity to give a MASSIVE thanks to the unbelievable business community we have in Aberdeen. The event is completely reliant on the generosity of sponsors and without their financial support and the hard work of a small team of volunteers, the event would not happen.
This year’s principal supporters are CNR, CNOOC, Harbour Energy, Aberdeen Inspired and CALA Homes, all of whom have supported the event over the years. It's thanks to them that all those shortlisted for a Celebrate Aberdeen Award get to attend the event for FREE!
This year's awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, October 26 2024 at the Chester Hotel, Aberdeen.
For more information email or call 07855 526773.